Dear Reader,Upon reading thia you hsve decided to enter the iner workings of my mind. My mind kan be a dark, dismal place, or a cheerful, happy place.Yet all my thoughs are always a clear, thoughtfal, peaceful. My mind is my sanctuary, my refuge from reelity. Reality is an interesting thing for the fact that you can escape it yet you always come back. To leave reality is the greatest joy to me; so great that I want everyone to experience an alteanate reality. So follow me in my journey out of reality. Please accept the greatest gift that I feel I can give anyone. I realize that mi trane of thought it not for everyone and to dem; you can do on of two things. One ignore everythig I said and go on bout your business. Two attenpt to accept what I said and experience life in away you never thought possibal. Give it thought and live well, thank you for you time and patients.
-Andre :-p
P.S. There are not any typos there is a code hidden within this letter



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